My Dream Self in 2020

Having just imagined yourself in the future and from the perspective of 2020 Vision, please answer the following...

MDS1. What 3 things would you most like to know about the future?

1. ...My Occupation.................................................................................................

2. ...will be married...................................................................................................

3. ...will I have children.............................................................................................

MDS2. Do you expect your destiny to be determined largely by (tick one) ....

o luck, being in the right place at the right time

(x )determination, personal will, planning ahead

MDS3. What three things would you most want to have in 2020 that you don't have now?

1. a BMW car..............................................................................................................

2. A large house with pool...........................................................................................

3. an alaskan Malamute (dog).....................................................................................

MDS4. By the year 2020 what do you expect will be the three most significant or important events or experiences that you will have had? The 3 experiences which will have had the greatest impact on your life are....

1. doing my school certificate..................................................................................... HSC ..................................................................................................................

3. going to university..................................................................................................

MDS5. How do you feel about the future (tick one) ...

o enthusiastic (X) hopeful o resigned o afraid o depressed

Comment:.....I feel hopeful and hope everything turns out well......................................

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